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Amazing Facts About E-Commerce and M-Commerce

When we go to the World Wide Web we see much advancement around us due to the internet. It brings revolutionary change into our life. Our way of life has completely changed due to the changes in technology. If you look to e-commerce and m- commerce you will observe a vast contrast between the new way and the old way of shopping. Today we are going to reveal some amazing facts in the fields of e-commerce and m-commerce.


E-commerce stands for electronic commerce and is also termed online commerce. E-commerce can make shopping more convenient for the buyer and equally easy on the seller or business. You can make any type of transaction using the web and you can browse and order your desired product via e-commerce. Now we will tell you when it first took place in history. You will be amazed to know that:
The first online purchase was a PIZZA!

In 1994 the Pizza Hut become the first brick and mortar to sell their products via an online system and it was a pepperoni pizza with mushrooms and extra cheese that was the first order, so we can say that the pizza was the first documented internet purchase.


M-Commerce is the abbreviation of mobile commerce and it has become a more popular way of shopping. Now you have no need to go anywhere or even be in front of a computer you can simply perform transaction like transfer money and purchase products via your smart phone. Many m-commerce apps have also been introduced to make m-commerce easy and have been getting good reviews from customers for their products. In mobile commerce transactions can take place via text message technology through your smart phone.

In 1997 beverage company was the first company who sets up vending machines that had the ability to accept payment via text message. This was the way that mobile commerce got started and now thousands of companies around the world are following the trend and offering their services through m-commerce.

This tells us that the ideas and technology for mobile commerce has been in use for over 15 years. As a result it is safe to say that it is a stable technology. As with all things business there are certain features that are vital, like timing. In the late 90’s and even in the early 00’s SMS or texting was an extra feature for most mobile phone service packages and was expensive both to send and receive messages.

If you look at today’s mobile market texts are often unlimited while data and call time is limited. This represents a shift in the popularity of the technology. This is also shows that the general population is comfortable with using the technology as well as with mobile computing technology. With a trusted technology and a population that is comfortable with that technology the future of m-commerce is now.

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